What has happened since April (part 2)

From my todo list journal entry of
3 June 2012
by MikeEssinger, 3 June 2012 (created 3 June 2012)
I was taking a nap today and Roo woke me up by barking. Marky was outside talking with someone who wanted to buy the goat babies. He is willing to wait until I band them and then he will take all 5 boys @ 40$ each. He lives in McCammon and has some land to clear.

This means I need to schedule tetanus shots and a time to band them. I may need help for this, but maybe not Alex for the banding part.

I started using the soap Jenni and I made. I have had no reaction to it at all. it doesn’t suds much, but feels smooth and soft. Not bad for a first attempt. I will have to get her to email the reciepe to me. I don’t remember proportions of what went into it. I will need to make some soap moulds and try it again.

I also need to start milking all of the mamas once/day to get them ready for tieout and losing the boys. I think I will start planting fence posts again. Will try for 1-a-day and keep working on clearing the windmill space for now.

This should all go into a new blog post. It’s long overdue!

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