Monthly Archives: April 2012
Some times it is good to be wrong
So, I was wrong about both June Carter And Loretta Lynn as to their due dates I had figured them both a week later than they actually happened. And I am glad I was wrong.
And now for something completely different
No, not really this is about goats again. Maybe the title should be more like “Now appearing in her debut performance as a mamma goat — June Carter Goat!”. I think that might be a bit too long, but it conveys the … Continue reading
Boy Goats, Round 2
Having just been through a very busy week of bottle feeding Rosie’s boys and trying to nurse her back to health, on Sunday April 15th Connie delivered her babies. This time it went like it was supposed to. I had … Continue reading
Boy Goats with Toy Boats
Yeah try saying THAT three times fast. So on Saturday evening April 7th I went out to feed the goats and found Rosie to be in labor. I had been watching her very close because of last years trouble and … Continue reading
Repetitive Randomness
Just a bunch of random stuff this time. In a past post I mentioned that my daughters cat had survived the birthday party invasion. We took her back to the Vet. the following Wednesday and found that she was NOT … Continue reading