Monthly Archives: July 2014
Progress at last
First a rant about the food bank. Our church puts on a community breakfast once a month. Free to anyone who wishes to eat. In order to provide for all who want need a free meal part of the food comes … Continue reading
In the heat of the day
So, this week we have had some higher temperatures, high 80’s to upper 90’s. I think we even had a day this past week that broke 100 degrees. Of course with the heat of the summer we also tend to … Continue reading
Another week gone
So, a week after the big gathering and I think I have most of the stuff back where it belongs.
Just the facts
For this past week: 330 + feet of new pasture fence built ~ 25 people here for 4th of July celebration Way too many late nights A whole lot of very good food consumed Several very hot days Egg count … Continue reading