Author Archives: StoneFace
Weather Station Upgrade
The old FineOffset WH1080 weather station has seen better days. The sensors and sending unit replacement parts were getting harder to find and would randomly stop working at certain temperatures and humidity. So I did the unthinkable and bought myself … Continue reading
Of Peduncles and Pannicles
The date is May the 26th and the soil temperature has finally gotten above 60 degrees F. I have been waiting to get these seeds in the ground so I can get on with the grand experiment. First to find … Continue reading
The old server is dead, Long Live the New Server!
Just a quick note : The weather page is back up and running ! There is still no wind info since that particular component of the weather station is broken, but the rest of it is reporting. The page has a … Continue reading
General update
Well, it has been about 5 and 1/2 years since I have done anything with this site. let me sum up… 2015-2016 diagnosis -Myasthenia gravis not good, got worse, surgery “fixed” it. While the insurance is good, why not fix … Continue reading
Things as they are now
So, let me start at the beginning. If you have been following the weather page here, you may have noticed some odd readings in the wind direction graphic. For a couple of months now the wind apparently only comes out … Continue reading
It has been a challenging year
So let me begin with a summary: At the first of the year I had 18 chickens (2 roosters, 16 hens), 22 ducks (not sure how many drakes…maybe 9 or so) and 10 does, 1 buck (Hank Jr.) and 2 … Continue reading
Only a day late for 2014
I know, I know! Its 1/1/15 and I was going to post last night, but got sidetracked with the wild and crazy NYE celebration here at StoneFace Farm!
the almost final post of 2014
I have been both very busy and very distracted for the past month. though it does not seem as though a month has past, I cannot deny what the calendar is telling me. Time to close out the year, tally … Continue reading
Week of 11/16/2014 thru 11/22/2014
Having completed the new buck pen with shelter and all the next wind that came along reminded me that I still needed to secure the roof of said shelter. Rascal and FatHead seem to remember that they are friends, but … Continue reading