A short vacation

We just returned from a quick (5 day) trip to Boise and Fruitland to see family, celebrate Thanksgiving and witness my grand-nephew being baptized by his great-grandmother (my mom). It was quite the relaxing time and we ate well and celebrated family, and all of the gifts God has given us.

The fact that it was so relaxing and carefree is due to the efforts of special people. Not only the family who put us up and put up with us, but friends who volunteer to take care of the critters we left behind, and pickup the mail and keep an eye on the house and …….

We got back tonight and I made the rounds just to see how everyone got along with out me. I like to think that my “kids” and chicks like me best, but I also know that Alex and her mom are good at taking care of critters. Even the ones who are not their own.

When we left on Wed. we emptied the refrigerator of eggs and tonight I have 2 dozen. The Goats all greeted me as if to say “where have YOU been?”, but they did not lack for food or water. I do wonder though how Loretta got out and was waiting for me at the other pen when I went to check. She must have just decided to go walkabout. I have to check the fence and gate closer in the daylight.

So this is really a thank you to family and friends who make even short “vacations” possible.

You are a gift from God.

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