Be Prepared

I hope that I am. Prepared that is. I did get quite a bit done towards preparing for kids. This week I finally got JuneCarter’s and Dolly’s tails trimmed up. It took a while for the clippers to charge, but with a full charge and a few minutes between chores I got it done

IMG_20140314_112927This week I worked a bit more on the bee hive. Patched some knot holes in one side and cut an entry slot so the bees can get in. I also cut the top bars to length so that they just span the top opening with about 1/2 in overhang on each side. There was also a second attempt at making dividers. I can’t seem to get the right size and angles to block the entire body. The construction itself is not perfect so a divider that fits one end or someplace in the middle has large gaps elsewhere. I may need something  more flexible. I may not actually “need” these pieces, but I think they may come in handy for managing the hive.



The other thing I accomplished this week was to clean out the girls pen.



My neighbor came down on his 4 wheeler with a pusher blade and  we scraped and shoveled what seemed like 3 tons of wet straw and manure out of the shelter. If he had not helped me it would have taken all day or maybe even most of two days to get it done. Now JuneCarter and Dolly have a clean place to have their kids. The pictures were taken from the end I normally have sealed for winter to block the cold winds. I had to drag another mangled gate into the pen to keep the goats out while we worked, then take down the end wall, then with about 2 hours of  work I had to put everything back and let the girls back into the shelter and then feed and water. I will be sore tomorrow.

Duck eggs waiting to be hatched

Duck eggs waiting to be hatched

So on to the egg count: For the week of 3/9/2014 thru 3/15/2014

  • Eggs collected: Chickens 61, Ducks 14
  • Sold – 7 dozen
  • Cartons filled – 6

That is all for this week, next week kids maybe?

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