On 2’s(Tues)day I will turn 57. That means that this blog is officially 2 years old. Also the 2 baby goats will be 2 weeks old. In another 2 weeks the other 2 mama goats will hopefully have 2 baby girls each.
Saturday I added 2 the ducks roaming area with 2 lengths of portable mesh fencing. I will most likely make it more portable by using electric fence type step in posts so I can move it without having 2 pound in wooden posts.
Yesterday I cut 2 large dead limbs out of one of my 2 plum trees, and 2day I planted 2 semi-dwarf winesap apple trees. It didn’t take 2 much effort with the new posthole auger. I was probably done in less than 2 minutes.
In 2 days I will have 2 doctors appointments. The first is going 2 be fun because I hope the doctor will see my weight loss effort and cut at least 2 of my prescriptions. I hope 2 see his jaw hit the floor when I tell him I finally started listening 2 his advice on diet and health.
All kidding aside, my progress on the primal blueprint has been good. I have not yet fully started in on the exercise part of the plan, and I expect the weight loss and muscle tone to really ramp up as I get more consistent with that. My weight at the start (Dec. 1) was 245 I am now at 218. my blood pressure is down, my blood sugar is under control and I have had to cut back on one of the meds to keep from “crashing” at night. The only thing I can’t measure on my own is cholesterol. I didn’t ever take the last diabetes med the doctor prescribed because I was foolish enough to read the side effects. I stopped taking the statin because I started reading up on the side effects that I had been experiencing for the last several years. Seriously, I just want to be through with prescription medications.
Wind is blowing too hard to get much else done today, I will have a mechanic out today at about 3:30 to estimate what it will cost to get all of the vehicles running. That should be fun in this wind! Have to go now and check on the critters, make sure they are not being blown away.